The physical and mental benefits of outdoors activities

Benefits of being outdoors and physical activity


Suppose you are at home and cannot go out on the orders of your GP. This is usual when there is a medical leave. But that does not mean that we should stay inside. Of course, in case you are not with a 38 degree fever. But if it is, for example, that you are with a crutch that you must use for two more weeks to be able to walk, of course you will be that, as they say colloquially, “you climb the walls”.

When participating in physical activities it produces similar benefits and often relaxes and encourages people. Your self-esteem will improve. Outdoor exercise stimulates all five senses in a way that indoor activities cannot



You see that the day is sunny and you want to get some fresh air, leave the walls of your home and look for the health benefits of exercising outdoors. Because even in this supposed circumstance that you are going through, you can do respiratory exercise (deep breathing) and relax your mind, also your body.

Here are some of the health benefits:

– Spending time in nature and natural light can improve your mood and reduce stress and depression.

Regardless of the fact that today’s article interests us in talking about the benefits for employees and managers of a company, carrying out training and training activities outside the offices, we are going to review the benefits of outdoor activities in general.

Things that will happen to you:

– You’ll be happier.

– Exercising outdoors is not only good for your physical health, but especially for your mental health.

– Spending time in nature and natural light can improve your mood and reduce stress and depression.

– Participating in physical activity produces similar benefits and often relaxes and encourages people.

– Your self-esteem will improve.

– Outdoor exercise stimulates all five senses in a way that indoor activities cannot.

– Being in nature impacts the brain in a positive way, making you feel better about yourself

Vitamin D levels increase. Vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Studies suggest that vitamin D may have protective effects against everything from osteoporosis to cancer, depression, heart attacks, and strokes.

You should keep in mind that too much sun can damage your skin. You only need about 10-15 minutes of sun several days a week during hot weather. Use sunscreen if you plan to be outside for an extended period of time.

The motivation for a group of employees who are doing a training course in the Sierra de Madrid, will not be the same as those who have to do it in a company room that is used for training



– You will exercise longer and burn more calories

Research shows that those who exercise outdoors burn 10% more calories when they walk or run than when they exercise on a treadmill at the same speed. When exercising outside, the distractions in your environment take your mind off the work of exercising. As a result, there’s a much higher chance that you’ll end up exercising longer than if you were exercising indoors. Another advantage, in the case of children, it has been shown that they are twice as active when they play outdoors.

– The improvement of self-esteem

Spending time in nature and natural light can improve your mood and reduce stress and depression. So when participating in physical activities it produces similar benefits and often relaxes and encourages people. Your self-esteem will improve. Outdoor exercise stimulates all five senses in a way that indoor activities cannot.

Undoubtedly, the motivation for a group of employees who are doing a training course in the Sierra de Madrid, will not be the same as those who have to do it in a company room that is used for training.

– Muscle tension and heart rate

When we think about our organic functioning of the body and mind, the automatic question that comes to mind is what are the physical and mental benefits of being outdoors?

Studies also show that being outdoors in nature is relaxing, reduces stress, cortisol levels, muscle tension, and heart rate, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.



What are the physical, social and mental benefits of recreational activities?

It is evident that the physical is transferred in terms of benefit to the mental, and this ends up improving our social relationships (interpersonal relationships), both inside and outside the company.

Because? Because it is essential to reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. It is also a key element to improve self-esteem.

Without a doubt, there are some of these physical benefits that we know are more than proven to improve, such as:

– Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.

– Reduced risk of developing high blood pressure.

– Promote reduced blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.

– Prevention of some types of cancer.

– Reduced risk of being overweight.

Benefits of being active

Especially the benefits of being active are for adults, since we all know that leading an active lifestyle is good for us. By participating in regular moderate physical activity, you can expect to enjoy numerous health and social benefits, which also include:

– Reduction of the risk of developing diabetes and prevention and treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes: it has been estimated that 30 to 50% of new cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented with adequate levels of physical activity.

– Better bone and muscle development and prevention of osteoporosis.

– Improved muscle flexibility, strength and endurance.

– Lower risk of dying prematurely.

– Reduced risk of falls and improved mobility and strength for older adults.

– Improved sleep quality.

Physical activity can also definitely help to foster social interaction, improve concentration and learning, as well as increase personal confidence and self-awareness



Physical activity can also definitely help foster social interaction.

– Improve concentration and learning.

– Increase personal confidence and self-awareness.

– Reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.

– Improve self-esteem.

– Improve Life Quality.

Being active not only keeps children, youth, and adults fit and healthy, but it provides all kinds of social, emotional, and intellectual benefits.

Research shows that people who get regular physical activity may have:

– Improved emotional well-being: helps people feel more secure, happy and relaxed, with improved self-esteem and self-concept

– Improved health: similar benefits for physically active adults.

– Improved mental health: improves concentration skills and the ability to control anxiety and stress.

Improved social skills

HR departments know it: it’s more than proven that it develops skills such as cooperation and teamwork, and it’s an excellent way to have fun, meet new people and develop friendships (when at a convention to which activities are added). training sessions people from other subsidiaries, departments, etc. are known).

Greater learning capacity and productivity are achieved, since active people are generally more motivated and better organized than inactive people, and physical activity has direct links to better learning outcomes. The advantage of outdoor activity is that those who have experienced it with the company later want to continue practicing outdoor sports individually. They incorporate it as part of their weekly and/or daily agenda.



 A more positive work environment

People who are in an environment in which formative and training activity in open spaces is encouraged, achieve much more positive spaces for action. Generally, people, for the mere fact of being physically active, are less aggressive and experience fewer problems in interpersonal relationships in teams and between company departments.

This is because there is a reduction in antisocial behavior, since people who are active in taking care of their physical and mental health are much less likely to be involved in conflicts or to want to generate them.

More hours outdoors and less in front of computer screens

Time spent outdoors can be increased simply by incorporating some outdoor activity in place of time spent in front of computer screens.

The benefits of getting outdoors are plentiful. You don’t need to be a marathon runner or climb mountains. Perhaps there is a nearby park that you have not visited recently that could be a good starting point for your activity.

Even the simplest exercise will also provide you with much-needed health benefits. Instead of spending free time on your computer, try visiting your local park and just sit back and absorb the sights and sounds of nature.

So leave the inner world of work behind and put on your sunscreen or raincoat. There are a multitude of physical and mental benefits to being outdoors.

HR departments know it: it’s more than proven that it develops skills such as cooperation and teamwork, and it’s an excellent way to have fun, meet new people and develop friendships (when at a convention to which activities are added). training sessions people from other subsidiaries, departments, etc. are known)



Physical benefits

You burn more calories than sitting at a desk all day. As we lead more sedentary lifestyles, staying fit is more important than ever and can be incorporated into lunch with a little planning.

Supports better sleep as after exercise we typically have better quality sleep and feel healthier the next day.

It benefits your joints, increases flexibility and strength, which is a welcome change from sitting in a chair. Walking on grass or different surfaces can be beneficial for every part of our body.

It helps your eyesight as your eyes are not focused on a screen all day. Our eyes also like exercise and enjoy the feeling of connecting with nature.

It can help lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease when you exercise regularly.

Walking meetings outdoors could be a new way to shorten those meetings that can take too long.

Improves physical condition if the activity is continued in the long term

Just going outside means you have the chance to engage in more varied types of exercise and it’s more interesting than staring at four walls.

Mental benefits

Exposure to sunlight in a natural environment simply makes us feel better and more relaxed. Think about how good you feel after a relaxing day at the beach or a quiet day in a green environment.

Increase concentration and responsiveness by paying attention to your surroundings outdoors in nature-based recreation.

Reduce stress, anxiety and mental fatigue by leaving the worries of the day behind for a short time. A short walk by the sea or a walk in the woods could put an end to the cares of the day for a while.

You can increase creative thinking and problem solving skills as we are exposed to new experiences when we leave our homes and see what nature has on display.

People who are in an environment in which formative and training activity in open spaces is encouraged, achieve much more positive spaces for action



 Try not to focus on the problems or those issues that you still have pending when you are outdoors

Just enjoy the feeling of the little time you are away.

Increase the feeling of vitality, well-being and happiness by seeing the changes in the natural environment.

It can help reduce feelings of isolation by being around others outdoors who are spending the day.

If we could work part of our day outdoors, this would be a very healthy option.

Planning a workable schedule to meet your needs

First, plan a workable time to get outdoors.

Check to see what parks, nature trails, river walks, castles, and beaches are in your area that you may not have used very often in the past.

Also, outdoor gymnastics teams and/or groups are popping up in every country on select sites and you can get details of their locations in the community you live in. They are particularly useful if you are not a member of a gym, but like to share team activities.

Initially, start by going every other day and try to stick to your schedule. If you miss a day, go back to your schedule and try not to abandon it.

Set a reminder on your phone with details of what you have planned for the day. Try to think of any outdoor activities you have enjoyed in the past that could be included.

Avoid doing the same activity every time

Very easy activities include jogging, biking, walking, yoga, gardening, and these activities can be as long or short as you like.

Incorporate breaks at lunchtime/after work. These breaks can take a different route each week and can also include cycling/running for variety.

Lastly, check with friends to see what activities they are involved in and enjoy the feeling of being outdoors in whatever activity you choose.

The usefulness of training in outdoor activities

Without a doubt, the values and benefits of education, training and outdoor recreation have been more than demonstrated. They promote active learning through direct personal experience and offer excitement, fun and adventure within a safe framework.

The residential experience when spending a weekend in outdoor activities is a particularly valued feature. You will add valuation points from the management



Variety of environments

Active learning and outdoor adventure can take place in a variety of settings: rural and urban, local and more remote.

They engage both young and old in a wide range of experiences, including land and water adventure activities and activities with an environmental focus.

The methods used

The methods used include learning focused on:

– Learning soft skills.

– Problem solving.

– The creation of teams and the importance of the cohesion of its members.

– Self-sufficient trips and activities.

– The residential experience when spending a weekend in outdoor activities is a particularly valued characteristic. You will add valuation points from the management.

– The challenging outdoor experience has a powerful impact on the intellectual, physical, spiritual, social and moral development of a young person.

Contributes to personal growth and social awareness

The use of the outdoors makes a great contribution to physical and environmental education (improving well-being in the work environment) and improves many other areas of the training and/or training program that the organization has for its staff.



 Contributes to personal growth and social awareness and develops skills for life and the world of work

Qualities such as a sense of responsibility and a purpose in life are fostered. There is also a great deal of intrinsic enjoyment and satisfaction to be experienced from participating in outdoor activities.

Countries like the United Kingdom and the United States have a long tradition in the field of education, training and outdoor recreation, which reflects the privileged place they give to outdoor sports and recreational activities. Especially the so-called “outdoor training” (outdoor training).

Developing self-confidence and self-esteem is essential for the development of people, especially those who will soon assume leadership positions with many employees under their charge.

Countries like the United Kingdom and the United States have a long tradition in the field of education, training and outdoor recreation, which reflects the privileged place they give to outdoor sports and recreational activities



Develop independence and self-sufficiency.

Outdoor activities provide valuable alternative, often non-competitive pathways to achievement, as well as opportunities to develop independence and self-sufficiency. By successfully meeting the challenges that outdoor activities present, overcoming fears and apprehensions along the way, people make great strides in confidence, with implications for all aspects of their development.

A positive attitude towards learning is essential for training attendees to get the most out of the training process.

Participation in exciting and enjoyable outdoor activities with colleagues reinforces a positive attitude towards teamwork and contributes significantly to an individual and collective mood of cooperation and a good atmosphere in the company.

Awareness of the needs and contributions of others and the ability to maintain effective relationships, at work and in the family, are vital in today’s society.

Facing challenging situations in outdoor training

The outdoor experience provides rich opportunities for personal and social development through carefully structured group work in challenging situations.

Trust, caring, tolerance and a willingness to give and accept support are fostered, and antisocial behavior is challenged. Opportunities are presented to exhibit and develop effective interpersonal behavior and to work cooperatively and effectively in teams.

The conscious use of free time is increasingly seen as an important contribution to a fulfilling lifestyle.

Outdoor recreation introduces people to a range of leisure and simultaneously educational activities, as well as training, which will be very valuable for their future and will enrich their lives, as it facilitates the development of essential skills and knowledge for a more committed participation in their workplace and also makes it easier for them to align themselves with the directives that are taken in management.

Outdoor exercise greatly contributes to health and fitness, and continued participation in outdoor activities encourages the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle well into middle age and beyond.


Our relationship with the environment is a key issue for the citizens of tomorrow

Active learning and outdoor adventure have social benefits beyond what the company pursues in its training program. Because they introduce people to the environment in a way that develops understanding, appreciation, wonder, wonder, and respect.

It fosters sensitivity to the environment, helps people see themselves in a global context, and helps develop citizens with an awareness of the need for sustainable use of the world’s natural resources.

The successful citizens of tomorrow will have the adaptability to cope with a rapidly changing world of work and the responsibility of being an effective member of a community.

Participation in exciting and enjoyable outdoor activities with colleagues reinforces a positive attitude towards teamwork and significantly contributes to an individual and collective mood of cooperation and a good atmosphere in the Company



They encourage a positive “choose to participate” and “can do” attitude.

Challenging outdoor experiences promote the development of.

– Communication skills.

– Problem resolution.

– Making decisions that apply to a variety of occupations.

– Foster a positive “choose to participate” and “can do” attitude.

– Broadens people’s horizons, as new challenges are enjoyed rather than rejected.

– Perseverance and determination are reinforced.

– The values and attitudes developed in a context of shared effort help to form a solid foundation for responsible people.

Reasons why training outdoors is better than exercising in the gym

All the benefits that are achieved on a personal level are those that organizations have been introducing in the training processes of their people, by turning outdoor activities into one more part of the operational process.

1º) Outdoor activity is less strenuous than a similar one indoors

Since studies have shown that physical activity outdoors lowers a person’s blood pressure and heart rate, as a result, exercising outdoors feels less strenuous than similar exercise indoors, which in turn time, it brings you closer to your maximum performance.

And this is known to the human resources departments, which, just like you, know that training outdoors, doing your best and achieving this harmony between body and mind, is what they also want for work teams.

2º) Help with insomnia

When you exercise outside, you get fresh air that helps relieve insomnia. Regular exercise and fresh air will help you fall asleep and improve the quality of your sleep!

3º) When you train outdoors, you can also enjoy the benefits of the sun

Fresh outdoor air and natural light invigorate and provide more energy for mind and body. It provides the vitamin D we need, you’ll get a tan while you train and the sun will cheer you up! Sunlight also enhances muscle energy generation and tissue oxidation.

When you train outdoors, be aware of potential damage from too much sunlight, such as dehydration and sunburn. So don’t forget sun protection and hydration.

4º) Free

Outdoor workouts are often completely free, because exercise parks, sports courts, stairwells, and other places to exercise outdoors are generally open to everyone and free.

Trust, caring, tolerance and a willingness to give and accept support are fostered, and antisocial behavior is challenged. Opportunities are presented to exhibit and develop effective interpersonal behavior and to work cooperatively and effectively in teams



5º) Save time and nature

Think creatively about your environment and come up with an intensive training session on a nearby jogging track, hill or stairs, for example. Training locations are often closer than you think!

Using nearby locations saves not only time, but also natural resources, since you don’t need to bring your car to your training.

Why not save time and exercise on the way home from work, for example?

6º) Variation in your usual training

Break the routine! Take your indoor workout outdoors and include movements like bodyweight exercises that are easy to do outdoors. Most bodyweight exercises are multi-joint movements and therefore very effective! A bodyweight workout will improve your coordination, balance, and mobility in particular.

7º) The opportunity to try something new

Take your training to a new level, try something new! Take advantage of new training opportunities to add content to your standard training or create a whole new routine.

8º) Vary your usual training environment

Leave behind the stuffy and dark gym and do your training in a fresh and bright outdoor environment; enjoying the multiple benefits of an outdoor workout. Cities offer a multitude of training venues. Exercise parks, sports fields, stairs, and exercise areas along jogging paths provide a variety of opportunities to diversify your training and explore new training locations.

9º) The opportunity to train together

Most outdoor training sites, such as sports parks and tracks, are open to everyone, free of charge. This will allow you to train and spend time working out together with your friends and nearest and dearest, who are not going to the same gym with you.

Plus, training outdoors is a great opportunity to meet new people while you’re training.

10º) Better state of mind

In short, exercise in the open air benefits the whole body, bringing joy, well-being and a better state of mind.

The benefits of outdoor activities for team building

Over the years, team building has gotten a bad rap whenever the annual rally day announcement came around, with employees showing some trepidation at the thought of having to come together and do some sort of trust exercise. . It would have been enough for anyone to excuse themselves with medical leave for not attending that day.

Fortunately, there is now an opportunity to participate in fun, different and inclusive team building activities that also provide significant benefits. And this has never been more prevalent than in the outdoor team building space.

In countries like the UK, a series of outdoor challenges were undertaken that combined strategic thinking, problem solving and adventure. Their playground was typically a national park like the Lake District and there was not a trust exercise or raft building in sight.

That’s where they saw firsthand the tremendous benefits of outdoor teamwork, when done right. Not just through testimonials and evaluation metrics, but also through the eyes of the coaches, as you watched teams go on a journey; starting out as nervous individuals who barely knew each other and ending up feeling jubilant with their arms around each other’s shoulders.


Outdoor team game celebration

Such experiences have inspired many companies to try to bring these benefits to a wider audience, providing fun and different outdoor team activities that bring employees, middle managers and managers closer together, because they are activities in which everyone can participate.

By their very nature, outdoor team activities allow people to get out of the office, breathe fresh air, and move their bodies. Bonus points if they can do this in a green space. Designed correctly, outdoor team building activities can offer a host of benefits. Here are some of the best:

1º) Social connection

Social connection at work increases happiness and reduces stress while increasing commitment and loyalty. And outdoor team building activities are an ideal way to create social connections between colleagues. By changing the environment from a formal office or enclosed space, the opportunity grows for employees to connect on a social level rather than on a work level.

Being outdoors and participating in a game-based activity further reduces formality and allows you to lower that kind of distance that we unconsciously keep from others. The social connection begins to form, and this is deepened through activities that require collaboration to achieve a predetermined goal, ideally with some healthy stress, such as a time limit and/or light competition.

Going through something together deepens the connection, but not if the activity takes a person too far out of their comfort zone and doesn’t remotely simulate a work environment. Whitewater rafting may seem like a good team building activity, but for many employees it’s too far removed from the way they normally interact in the workplace. An outdoor problem-solving team game is much more likely to garner broad participation and provide meaningful connection.

2º) Showing your talents

By creating a less formal environment through the use of an outdoor space, you in turn create a less controlled environment. This is where employees are given (literally) the space to express themselves. Their abilities and personality traits come to the fore and become apparent to the members of the different teams involved, allowing all members to better understand each other.

Outdoor activities must be specifically designed to allow employees to demonstrate skills such as; communication, problem solving, leadership, strategy and planning. For a senior manager, this information is invaluable when it comes to allocating resources to projects and identifying staff development opportunities.

3º) Team development

Tuckman’s model for nurturing a team to high performance outlines 5 phases of small group development: formation, conflict, normalization, performance, and dissolution.

– The formation phase sees a team newly formed and acting as individuals within their normal limits.

– The storm phase (conflict) is where some form of conflict or friction can arise when individuals go beyond their established limits before differences are resolved and a leader emerges in the Normalization phase.

– The performance phase sees teams execute their strategy effectively.

An effective team development activity would use this framework, allowing small teams to move through each phase and resulting in visible team growth.

Being outdoors in a less controlled environment, while engaging in a purposeful activity with time pressure and/or light competition, creates ideal “live event” conditions for this process of group development to take place. out effectively.


4º) Benefits for mental health

It is widely accepted that spending time outdoors in nature can have a positive impact on an individual’s mental health. New research led by the University of York has now shown that engaging in nature-based outdoor activities specifically leads to a better mood, less anxiety and positive emotions. Interestingly, the best results were seen when the outdoor activity included exercise as well as engaging in conversation.

Boosting mental wellbeing is central to how we design our experiences

Outdoor activities always seek and are based on green spaces, always involve light exercise (walking), and always allow space for conversation, either within the nature of the game or casually while playing.

5º) Benefits for physical health

Research from the University of Illinois has shown that spending time in nature boosts the human immune system, which can provide protection against a variety of diseases, including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many more.


Additionally, since vitamin D is a difficult nutrient to obtain through food, 80-90% of vitamin intake comes from sunlight. While protection from the sun is vital, we also need your vitamin D for bone growth, cell growth, inflammation reduction, and neuromuscular and immune function.

Active learning and outdoor adventure have social benefits beyond what the company pursues in its training program. Because they introduce people to the environment in a way that develops understanding, appreciation, wonder, wonder and respect.



6º) Boost focus, memory and creativity

We now know that getting outside improves concentration, no matter the weather. Psychology research from the University of Michigan showed that walking in a park in any season improved memory performance and attention span by 20%.

Research also shows that walking opens up the free flow of ideas and increases the output of creativity. While walking anywhere, whether through the woods or in green spaces specially created for sports, has a positive effect on creativity, the researchers found that walking outdoors produced the newest and highest-quality analogies.

7º) The advantage of being inclusive

Inclusion can have a variety of meanings. The goal is to make activities inclusive of everyone, regardless of: age, gender, disability, nationality, location, seniority, physical ability, puzzle-solving ability, team size, beliefs, or social preferences.

When it comes to outdoor activities, one of its benefits over indoor activities is that you are often not limited by capacity. This means companies can engage larger teams, allowing all staff to collaborate with team members they don’t normally work with on a daily basis. Through the right activity, those relationships will carry over to the office and drive communication and collaboration across teams.

8º) When it became a safe solution to face the Covid

Ensuring employee safety and reducing risk should be central to any team building activity. As companies try to overcome the workplace challenges brought on by Covid-19, one topic that came up a lot in inquiries to organization experts was how they could safely come together to create a face-to-face team. expensive.


Outdoor activities became a great solution, particularly those that involved walking and avoiding physical contact, providing ventilation and natural social distancing.

Of course, it was those who were reputable and experienced event providers who were also required to implement additional health and safety measures to further reduce risk, such as modifying activities, informing participants of additional procedures, and encouraging participants to get tested for Covid before attending.


This information has been prepared by OUR EDITORIAL STAFF