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Seeking the transformation of tertiary and postgraduate training Part 2

The current managers of organizations that have a presence in several countries are driving a change with their global experience and technological knowledge, that is, they are changing the world. Rapid innovation, entrepreneurial endeavors, and advances in marketing technology create an urgent need for new management skills and practices. Hence, many business schools have taken […]

Buscando la transformación de la formación terciaria y de postgrado Parte 2

Los directivos actuales de las organizaciones que tienen presencia en varios países, están impulsando un cambio con su experiencia global y conocimiento tecnológico, o sea, que están cambiando el mundo. La rápida innovación, los esfuerzos empresariales y los avances en la tecnología de marketing crean una necesidad urgente de nuevas habilidades y prácticas de gestión. […]

Seeking the transformation of postgraduate and tertiary training Part 1

Since OUR EDITORIAL STAFF we have asked ourselves a question: what if the purpose of graduate management education is to create transformative leaders rather than to create managers? This question turns out to be one that many analysts, critics, and especially business school managers ask themselves. A priori, it may seem without much importance, but […]

Buscando la transformación de la formación terciaria y de postgrado Parte 1

Desde NUESTRA REDACCIÓN nos hemos hecho una pregunta: ¿qué pasa si el propósito de la educación de postgrado en administración es crear líderes transformadores en lugar de crear gerentes? Esta pregunta resulta ser una que muchos analistas, críticos y especialmente responsables de escuelas de negocio también se preguntan. A priori, puede parecer sin demasiada importancia, […]

Investment megatrends by 2022

From OUR EDITORIAL STAFF we have wanted to investigate a little what is being said, as it usually happens every year at this point, about the investment prospects for 2022, and what any analysis could link to the postgraduate education sector. For this reason, we have considered of interest what NN Investment Partners says that […]

Megatendencias inversoras para 2022

Desde NUESTRA REDACCIÓN hemos querido investigar un poco qué es lo que se está diciendo, como suele suceder todos los años a estas alturas, sobre las perspectivas de inversión para 2022, y en lo que pudiera vincular cualquier análisis al sector de la educación de postgrado. Por ello, hemos considerado de interés lo que dice […]

Business schools: «think globally but act locally”

In recent times we have witnessed a debate that, although it was underhanded (more in the context of private discussions between colleagues), it was clear a necessary change in which some business schools in the world were already entering a process of de-globalization regarding their way of understanding the training and qualification of their candidates […]