Soft skills as an essential value in management activities

The importance of soft skills for leaders

Soft skills for leaders are a requirement in today’s competitive world, where people in organizations always want to stand out from the crowd of profiles on the workforce. And when you consider that many employers believe there is a huge skills gap, this is not surprising. What does seem clear is that there is no longer room for the mediocre.

For those who are looking for a leadership position in their field, having soft skills is an absolute must, because the techniques in a certain hierarchical position are supposed to have them


Having knowledge in a particular area and a willingness to go the extra mile to stand out from the crowd is apparently necessary, in order to be headed in the right direction for a career.

Are people with management skills still important and valued?

The question that we could ask ourselves when it is assumed that employers need personnel with certain technical skills, is whether this does not mean that the soft ones are devalued? What’s more, the most recent focus on the part of organizations and their managers is that as a consequence of TLs, technical skills must be greatly improved, so it makes one wonder about the place of soft skills in today’s world. Are they still important and valued?

The argument that is collected from the experts is that they are highly regarded, therefore, the evaluation of a candidate, for example, for a promotion, the demonstrated ability in soft skills has almost more weight than the technical ones. Because for those people who are looking for a leadership position in their field, having soft skills is an absolute necessity, because the techniques in a certain hierarchical position are supposed to have them.

What are soft skills for leaders?

Soft skills for leaders are the least tangible qualities that we all possess. These range from the traits that make up our personality, our strengths, our weaknesses, and our attitudes. Skills like critical thinking, adaptability, and communication all fall under the umbrella of interpersonal skills.

Learning in the classroom and later in daily experience

Most of these skills are learned in a classroom in terms of the training part, but learning from day-to-day experience in companies, in situations in which empathy, attitude and many other soft skills are demonstrated, is the thermometer that management will have to evaluate the next promotions to leadership positions.

It is essential to understand that it does not matter how intelligent or technically competent a person is, because it will be their interpersonal skills that will allow them to really use their knowledge and put their technical skills into practice. A very illustrative example is that of the doctor who, even if he is very competent, will not be able to support the patients unless he can make them feel comfortable and reassure them.

Similarly, an entrepreneur with many titles probably won’t be able to close a deal if he doesn’t have an approachable personality and is unable to adapt to an ever-changing business environment.

Soft skills for leaders are the least tangible qualities that we all possess. These range from the traits that make up our personality, our strengths, our weaknesses and our attitudes


Lack of soft skills

All professionals need a certain level of soft skills to be successful in their professions. According to an Adecco survey reported on CNBC, executives are much more concerned about the lack of soft skills like communication, adaptation, creativity, and more than the lack of technical skills in the new workforce.

Communication and Adaptation

For leaders, honing soft skills is even more important. As a leader, you must be able to communicate effectively and efficiently in order to be respected in your workplace.

You also need to be able to transfer acquired skills from one area to another, as leaders typically have to deal with a variety of responsibilities. This is where skills like critical thinking and adaptability play an important role.

Writer Charles Hugh Smith in an article on how the world of work has changed: “The only security that can be achieved in rapidly changing environments is the security offered by broad-based skill sets, great adaptability, a voracious appetite for new learning, and a highly developed set of “soft skills”: communication, collaboration, self-management, etc.”

Therefore, the evidence is incontrovertible: any leader must develop soft skills, especially in a world that is constantly changing due to massive digitization.

While it pays to have a stellar resume, remember that it’s equally important to also focus on the less tangible soft skills.

Learning from day-to-day experience in companies, in situations in which empathy, attitude and many other soft skills are demonstrated, is the thermometer that management will have to evaluate the next promotions to leadership positions


Soft skills for management

Soft skills for management professionals include any interpersonal quality that enables managers to oversee a team of employees on a daily basis. When they add up several of these skills, managers will also be able to determine which skill areas they want to improve in order to continue to improve in a leadership role.

Personality traits

Soft skills are a collection of personality traits and interpersonal qualities that enable executives with people management responsibilities to complete tasks, manage conflicts, communicate with others, perceive people’s needs, and reflect on their own needs. In the workplace, interpersonal skills help employees at each level to relate to one another and carry out productive work activities.

Why do managers and team and/or department heads need soft skills?

Everyone in a leadership position needs soft skills because they can influence how they complete certain aspects of their jobs. This includes hard skills like budgeting, public speaking, programming, computer literacy, project management, or task delegation. Soft skills like leadership, organization, and problem solving can help executives carry out the technical aspects of their jobs.

Executives are much more concerned about the lack of soft skills such as communication, adaptation, creativity, and more than the lack of technical skills in the new workforce


Benefits of having soft skills in leadership positions

Here are some examples of the kinds of benefits that all people in leadership positions can experience from having and demonstrating soft skills in the workplace:

– It allows them to connect with their employees, as soft skills help managers to connect with their employees in a positive way.

– Helps them establish good working relationships with their employees, which can also influence employee satisfaction, feelings of value, and work ethic.

– Ensures effective communication between top management and employees: When managers have good soft skills, it helps them to communicate ideas between top management professionals and employees in their department.

– It ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal set by senior management and, when necessary, employees have the opportunity to get their questions answered about a new policy or initiative.

– Helps them enforce rules and take disciplinary action when necessary: In managerial roles, professionals must be able to take disciplinary action when necessary to uphold their employers’ values, work activities, and company culture.

– Gives them the ability to address performance concerns and other conflicts with employees. By doing this, they ensure that employees get the resources they need to be successful in their roles.

– Gives them confidence to play a leadership role: As a manager, you must have the ability to perform your role with confidence. This helps build trust with your employees and make timely decisions for your team.

Shows your ability to take on additional leadership roles

By demonstrating soft skills in a managerial role, professionals can potentially qualify for internal promotion opportunities with their company. This is because they demonstrate their ability to lead and communicate with others.

Improves teamwork among employees

When a manager has good soft skills, they can influence how their employees connect with each other and work together to achieve department goals.

Next, we will see examples of soft skills

About the skills that you will see below, it is so that you have an overview of how management professionals can use them to complete their job functions effectively:

When they add up several of these skills, managers will also be able to determine which skill areas they want to improve in order to continue to improve in a leadership role


1º) Time management

Time management is a type of soft skill that allows professionals to plan their schedule and complete tasks according to upcoming events and deadlines.

For managers, time management skills help them set realistic deadlines for completing employee tasks.

It also helps them decide when they have spent too much time on one of their management activities and need to move on to prioritizing other tasks.

2º) Optimism

Optimism is another soft skill that helps people adopt a positive mindset in their personal and professional lives. Optimism is an important soft skill for a manager, as he has the responsibility of establishing a work culture within her department.

Your ability to stay positive, even in uncertain times, can help employees stay positive. Being optimistic also helps managers create a positive work environment that can contribute to higher employee satisfaction and productivity.

3º) Creativity

Managers can benefit from creativity as one of their soft skills because it helps them develop unique solutions or ideas for department activities and inspire collaboration among department teams. This can also help inspire employees to think creatively and contribute their own unique ideas to the department.

4º) Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication skills help people adjust their language, communication strategies, or channels to suit the communication needs of another person.

In a managerial role, interpersonal communication skills help managers adapt to communicate effectively with different employees and senior management professionals. This can influence productivity and understanding of company goals or initiatives.

Everyone in a leadership position needs soft skills because they can influence how they complete certain aspects of their jobs. This includes hard skills like budgeting, public speaking, programming, computer literacy, project management, or task delegation


5º) Attention to details

Managers can benefit from having excellent attention to detail skills. This is because it allows them to spot errors in department documents or activities and helps them identify areas where they can limit budget spending. Attention to detail also helps managers identify one or more employees who need additional training or guidance to be successful in their roles.

6º) Critical thinking

Critical thinking is a type of soft skill that stresses an individual’s ability to review facts or evidence and make important connections or form judgments based on analysis of it.

Critical thinking is a beneficial skill for managers, as it allows them to evaluate candidate applications, evaluate employee performance, and evaluate potential business opportunities to determine the best actions to take.

7º) Ability to make decisions

Decision-making is a soft skill that helps professionals make important and timely decisions about work activities. Managers must be decisive in making quick decisions about hiring, delegating tasks, employee ideas, or deadlines. This helps provide a sense of direction and authority to work activities and also helps ensure that managers keep their departments productive.

8º) Patience

Managers can benefit from having a good amount of patience in their roles. Being patient allows them to remain calm in stressful situations and demonstrate their authority among employees. A manager’s ability to be patient can influence whether employees come to him for advice or guidance about their roles. This can also influence the relationship between a manager and her employees and the way a manager’s department functions.


9º) Self-motivation

Self-motivation is the process by which an individual can inspire and encourage themselves to complete tasks, achieve goals, or challenge themselves. Although managers refer to senior management personnel for direction and guidance, they perform their role more independently. This means that managers must have a level of self-motivation to complete their job responsibilities with little or no supervision.

10) Teamwork

Experts always talk about the need to demonstrate your ability to work well with the other members of your team. As the business world moves towards more cross-functional teams, teamwork is becoming one of the most important soft skills for managers. But, like leadership, good teamwork also involves a combination of other soft skills. For example, you need interpersonal skills to work as a team towards a common goal.

11º) You must also be a good listener and know when to be a leader

You have to be perceptive and responsive to the needs of others as a team player. A good manager must know how to keep his team intact. Sometimes the healthy competition between team members can be very stimulating. Furthermore, a successful and healthy team depends on the trust between the members and the manager.

12º) Skills to solve problems

Problem solving is one of the most important soft skills for managers to develop. Any successful leader must be a problem solver. Everyone looks to a manager for support when they can’t solve a business problem on their own. Also, problem-solving skills help develop leadership ability.

Sometimes newly found business problems can seem unique. The truth is, there are few things you come across in business that can be truly new under the sun. The higher your position and responsibility at work, the more difficult it will be to solve problems. So having good problem solving skills means being able to weigh all aspects of a problem clearly and calmly. Sometimes you have to make the right decision in a fraction of a second with the minimum information available.

Optimism is an important soft skill for a manager, as they have a responsibility to establish a work culture within their department


13º) Delegation

Managers have to delegate tasks effectively as part of their responsibility to support employees. Managers should delegate tasks based on the strengths and weaknesses of team members. A good manager must have the ability to delegate. It helps you know when certain people are better equipped to perform specific tasks.

Additionally, managers need to be aware of any training, resources, or support an employee may need. And then you have to make sure that the employees get the necessary support. You must trust employees and allow them to learn and grow. It will really set employees up for success. Instead of micromanaging, a manager needs to guide employees through delegated tasks. She should offer helpful feedback and criticism along the way.

Lastly, she must create a transparent two-way channel where employees feel comfortable asking for clarification when a concept is new to them. You’ll foster healthy communication, and as a manager, you’ll know what works for the organization.

14º) Empathy

Empathy is one of the most important soft skills managers must have. Showing compassion and empathy in the workplace is necessary considering the difficulties we have faced in recent years. You can make a difference in an employee’s life by using her emotional intelligence.

Empathy as one of the soft skills will allow the effective executive to spot signs such as when an employee is trying too hard. At times, employees may suffer from depression, anxiety, or burnout. A good manager in such cases will notice the signs of these conditions in advance. Also, a good manager must be sensitive when it comes to issues like mental health.

It is necessary to implement flexible work measures. It is also a good idea to introduce policies that show that the company cares about its employees.

15º) Reliability

Reliability is one of the crucial skills that make a good manager. Good managers are trustworthy and respectful of their employees’ privacy. Additionally, employees must have faith in their leaders and trust that their bosses are looking out for their best interests.

If employees believe that the company doesn’t care about them, the boss’s and/or director’s workplace will become ineffective, less collaborative, and unpleasantly competitive.

In addition, employees must also have confidence that management is telling the truth. Its credibility is based on respecting the privacy of its employees. And you must provide candid advice that is in line with your company’s goals.

If you are not trustworthy, you will never be able to lead and push others effectively. Managers must keep their word, be open, and be willing to accept mistakes. That way, others will also do the same.

Managers can benefit from creativity as one of their soft skills because it helps them develop unique solutions or ideas for department activities and inspire collaboration among department teams


Essential soft skills every manager needs

In recent years, companies and employees have seen the importance of a workplace in which they feel the support of their bosses, managers and/or directors. Exercising a leadership position today requires, in addition to being competent at work, demonstrating that you are a good leader because you have some soft skills that are essential for executives who are in charge of personnel management. And they are very valuable for senior management, since soft skills are more difficult to learn, training is required and especially experience, in which the executive demonstrates that he has not only developed, but honed his soft skills throughout his career.

Furthermore, soft skills are vital for effective leadership and performance management. Of all the skills a manager might possess, soft skills are the game changers.

Social skills or emotional intelligence are what we call soft skills. They can be defined as the ability to interact amicably with others. These personal attributes can affect relationships, interactions, and communications with others. And that’s why soft skills are invaluable for business success. Especially soft skills for managers are needed more than ever. However, sometimes soft skills can be more difficult to develop than hard skills.

Therefore, knowing what soft skills are is just as important as learning hard skills to running a successful business. Additionally, understanding soft skills can help you identify the ones you possess, just as you can identify the skills you need to acquire for future success in your life.

 The real value of a manager is found in his soft skills

According to research in this field, an estimated 57% of today’s top executives consider soft skills more important than hard skills. Not to mention, entrepreneurs and business owners look for these intangible talents in their managers.

Why are soft skills important in daily operational management?

Employee soft skills are how well they communicate and connect with those around them. Business leaders can improve their customer service skills by being attentive to the experience they provide. In addition, people judge your leadership skills based on how you treat prospective and existing customers and your workers. For example, Google’s employment process is based on what they call “emergent learning and leadership” skills.

Google aims to learn how a person handles difficult situations, solves problems, and knows when to take the initiative. Soft talents are another term for these abilities. However, Google is not the only corporation to use this or a similar interview approach. Apple, IBM, Bank of America and Google are among the companies that no longer require applicants to have a college degree.

Also, when applying for jobs, most people list both types of skills on their resumes and cover letters without even realizing it. Unfortunately, we often place a greater emphasis on our hard skills when we should be emphasizing our soft skills. Finally, knowing which talents require the most attention and sharpening them is the most efficient method to improve as a leader.

The benefits of good communication

Communication is the key to success in any workplace and almost always in all the surveys and studies carried out in organizations, this skill is listed as the No. 1 of the soft ones. It is also true that communication is usually at the top of any list of desirable soft skills. And while managers need to be excellent communicators, having this skill doesn’t mean they have to be an inspirational speaker or brilliant wordsmith. However, you must be able to communicate professionally and clearly.

When you know how to communicate effectively, you can pursue better opportunities, which is important for your career growth. Along with confidence and emotional intelligence, communication can be considered a fundamental component that helps shape your interactions with other people. Without these anchors, other skills can be more difficult to learn and master.

Therefore, honing your communication skills is more important than ever. Fortunately, there are ways that can help you improve them. For example, managers must maintain regular contact with all members of their team and provide frequent feedback. You should also provide rewards and recognition for excellent performance.

Critical thinking is a beneficial skill for managers as it allows them to evaluate candidate applications, assess employee performance, and evaluate potential business opportunities to determine the best actions to take


 Managers must maintain regular contact with all members of their team

This proximity is what helps the team and/or department have frequent feedback. Rewards and recognition should also be given for excellent performance. Communication should be done in person, depending on what needs to be communicated, but you can also use email, chat applications, body language, etc. Therefore, managers need to communicate with their employees in ways that make them feel comfortable. Although hybrid work is demanding a number of remote meetings, care must be taken that face-to-face meetings are not too far apart in time. Human contact and direct communication are an essential part of a good interpersonal relationship. Having good communication skills ensures that your ideas are understood and you can move forward with your work priorities.

A good manager lets his employees know that they can discuss anything work-related on a regular basis. Managers must implement an open door policy and incorporate technology to offer real-time feedback. Overall, competent communication is one of the essential soft skills for managers to build strong relationships with their colleagues.

According to a study of Fortune 500 CEOs, soft skills and soft skills account for up to 75 percent of job success.

According to research from Harvard University, interpersonal skills account for 80% of job success. And this isn’t just great news for employees; It’s also fantastic news for businesses. Additionally, another study found that educating workers in soft skills improved productivity by 12%. Thus, it resulted in a higher return on investment.

Soft skills are not as easy as it could be to learn technical skills, such as learning to program software. But the importance of soft skills for managers or any other position is undeniable.

This information has been prepared by OUR EDITORIAL STAFF